Monday, December 9, 2013

Wait...Where Am I?

Twyla has become quite the traveler in the two months since she came into the shelter.  She started out with me, then went to another foster home and just this Saturday, she went to the go up for adoption! 

That's right folks.  She is happy, healthy and social enough to go up for adoption.  So here she is in her cage at the shelter waiting to meet that special person who will be her forever home.

Most kittens that come out of foster for adoption are adopted in 24-48 hours.  Former feral kittens often take a week or more to find the right home.  This is because feral kitten often need quiet, adult only homes with experienced cat owners.  And those adopters need to be willing to work with a shy kitten because they will regress a bit when they change locations.  Our shelter has very good luck in finding people like this for our feral babies but it does sometimes take a little bit.

However, sometimes the stars align and the right home for a former feral kitten shows up right away.  I am thrilled to say that is what happened with Twyla.  Twyla came into the shelter for adoption Saturday morning.  Volunteers were cleaning a cage for her to move into when the foster coordinator and I were talking with another foster mom.  She had a friend that expressed an interest in adopting one of her foster kittens, but for a variety of reasons her kitten was not the best match for her friend.  So we suggested Twyla.

The foster mom came with me to meet Twyla even before she made it into her cage.  She spent some time with her, took some pictures and sent the information to her friend.  It was a match!  The friend came up to meet Twyla as soon as we opened to the public and I am thrilled to report that Twyla is ADOPTED and already in her forever home!

So it was a great weekend for this Animal House.   If Twyla had never been trapped, brought to the shelter and sent into foster, this little sweetie would have likely already gone to the rainbow bridge either from the cold or her illness.  Now Twyla will spend her life inside as a well loved member of a family and will likely have a long wonderful life.

Happy endings like this are why I do what I do.  So as I say to all my fosters as they go up for adoption - "Bye, Twyla.  Good luck in your forever home.  Mommy loves you."  And that is why this blog is called "Always in our Hearts".  Because our fosters may only stay in our homes for a little while, but they are in our hearts forever.

p.s. - Don't worry, this is not the end. Twyla's siblings Hyde and Frankie are still with me and I will be back with updates on their progress soon.

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