Wednesday, November 20, 2013

No Photos Please!

Do you know who hates cameras almost as much as a drunk celebrity sneaking out of a club after doing something foolish?  Feral kittens.

You may have noticed that there are not that many photos in this blog even though I truly do think that pictures help tell a story.  But the well being and stress level of my kittens has to come first.  And feral kittens do not like their picture taken.

When you think of it from their perspective, they are just getting used to how you look and the room around them.  Now all of a sudden there is a strange device blocking their view of your face.  Then the device makes odd clicking noises and often flashes a bright light in their face.  And it happens again and again.  Or even worse than blocking your face, that strange item get put really close to them and really freaks them out.  So I usually hold off on the photos until they are much more comfortable with me and I usually let them sniff the camera to see it is harmless first.

That being said, we are not likely to have an updates on progress in terms of socialization for a while.  Twyla is very sick and as of today Hyde and Frankie are both limping for no known reason.  At this point it is unclear as to whether they are limping due to injuries of some point, or if it is a side effect of a virus.  I will have to monitor them and see how it goes.

So to hold you until I can do a true blog update, here are some faces to put to the names you have been reading about for over a month now.

This is Twyla, my sickest little girl.  I am happy to report her hydration is starting to improve.  She continue to be the most social of the group.


This is Frankie, the most feral of the group.  She is really not fond of people or other animals, but she will come around eventually.


This is Hyde, my only boy.  He was the one who was initially in bite quarantine because he bit a staff member for vaccines.   He still struggles to be OK with being touched but is better than Frankie.


And just for fun, this is my cat, Charlie, lounging in one of his favorite spots - Paige's pajama drawer.  At one point he was sicker and  more feral than all of this litter.  Whenever I get discouraged, I can look at him and see that there is always hope.


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